"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to meet it."
— Jonathan Winters

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tips and Secrets For Gaining Muscle

All of the information revealed in my earlier blogs our vital to your success in the gym. I'm writing this post to fill in all the spaces and critical points I have left out. Not everyone is a fan of reading pages and pages about how to do something. Because of this notion I am trying to keep my tips as short and concise as possible. Here it is. The absolutely crucial tips and secrets you must follow in order to reach your goals.

The first tip-- push each exercise set to near failure. Failure means you could not do one more repetition in a set because of fatigue. If you shoot for a specific number of reps, your mind will prepare your body to reach that number. In my experiences, if you work out this way you will not reach your fullest potential. I see guys in the gym everyday who shoot for a specific amount of reps. This guys (like you) have much more potential. For a 3-set exercise, you could start off with a heavy weight for 15 repetitions in the first set and then reduce each set by 2 so that your last set is 11 lifts. Even as you tire, you should attempt a maximum effort for each set.

The second tip—Please, for my insanity, write down your progress. If there is anything you learn from my blog, it is to catalog your work out. You absolutely, positively must keep a training journal for each and every session that you perform in the gym. The quickest way to add muscle to your frame is to consistently increase the amount of weight that you lift and the number of repetitions that you perform for each of your exercises. How can you tell if you’re really getting stronger if you don’t write it down?

The third— To make sure that your muscles stay hydrated, you must drink plenty of water. Dehydration can happen easily if you train hard. A dehydrated muscle, takes longer to repair itself than one sufficiently hydrated.

Drinking a sufficient amount of water not only increases your vascularity (more visible veins), but it will also help to quickly remove toxins from the body. Protein generates metabolic waste products that must be dissolved in water. Without enough water, the kidneys cannot efficiently remove these wastes. This is key.

The fourth— Rest is the most overlooked "skinny-guy secret." If you don't rest, you won't grow. Your body does not build muscle in the gym, it builds muscle while resting!

The fifth— The keys to successfully gaining weight and mass is eating enough calories, training hard and then resting. No diet adjustments will make up for lack of rest. If you train hard in the gym, then you should be resting your muscles as much as possible. If you do not give them time to rest and repair, you will not grow. Period.

The sixth— The secret to gaining muscle mass fast is CONSISTENCY. You can have the best diet, the best training schedule, join the best gym that has the best equipment, but without consistency it's all worthless.

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